windows 7 64  Problems with keyboard by Logitech windows 7
hello, and first of all, sry for my bad english. i am testing the windows 6 release candidate (build 7100). My keyboard is a "logitech eltite keyboard". This keyboard has some spezial keys to regulate the volume, or to start the massanger (msn or icq..) or to start the e-mail (thunderbird, outlook..) my problem is the following the key how start the email works and the music key don't work. i can't regulate the sound with the keyboard but i can mute the sound with this keyboard. also some keys works and some keys dont. has one of you an idea for my problem? thanks. deerwood :)
June 15th, 2009 12:56am

deerword, The short answer is that until Logitech fully supports Windows 7, extra functionality in peripherals such as this isn't going to be perfect. Refer to this Logitech blog post for an official statement of sorts.-Alex
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June 15th, 2009 10:44pm

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